One-on-one Coaching

Are you struggling in your current career path? Do you feel stuck, unfulfilled, and unhappy? You know you can achieve much more and increase your earning potential. Still, you are afraid to transition into another career path that can help you gain the work experience you need for your career growth, development and, ultimately, a better and fulfilling life.

Why remain in this dilemma when you can get help from a results Coach?

As a Career and Transition Coach, I help professionals like you transition into new career paths in the tech space or any other industry by helping you identify your strengths and weaknesses and exploring different career options while offering detailed career advice, guidance, encouragement and support so you can transition quickly, smoothly, effectively and achieve your new career goals/aspirations.

I have successfully coached professionals transitioning from unfulfilling careers to new career paths in tech and other industries. These professionals have done amazing things in their respective organisations, gotten recognition and awards for their excellent work, paid high salaries, and live comfortable and happy lives.

Does this sound like what you want to achieve?

I’m happy to work with you to achieve more.


I know firsthand what it feels like to be stuck, confused, and helpless in making the right career choice or transition; I know how frustrating it can be to apply for so many jobs, yet no interview invites, let alone landing your dream job.
I will show you how to build confidence, believe in your abilities and leverage your strengths instead of dwelling on your weaknesses.
I will show you how to leverage LinkedIn to build your brand so you can attract both job and business opportunities in the tech space or any other industry.
I will show you how I transitioned smoothly from HR to Product Management.
I will show you how I went from constantly applying for so many jobs without getting any feedback to Recruiters and Hiring managers reaching out to me and presenting irresistible job offers.
I will support you by giving you the tools to achieve your goals personally and professionally.
I will serve as an accountability partner.
I will show you how to live a purpose-driven life.

My coaching sessions are very flexible and will be tailored to suit you specifically

Virtual (2 - 3 Sessions)

  • 2 - 3 Coaching Sessions via Google Meet or Zoom.
  • Access to Proven Tools and Resources
  • Accountability Support tailored to suit your Personal/Work Schedule
  • Progress Review (1-3 Months Post Session)

In-person (2- 3 Sessions)

  • 2 - 3 Coaching Sessions at a convenient location.
  • Access to Proven Tools and Resources
  • Accountability Support tailored to suit your Personal/Work Schedule
  • Progress Review (1-3 Months Post Session)

Virtual (4 - 6 Sessions)

  • 4 - 6 Coaching Sessions via Google Meet or Zoom
  • Access to Proven Tools and Resources
  • Accountability Support tailored to suit your Personal/Work Schedule
  • Progress Review (1-3 Months Post Session)

In-person (4 - 6 Sessions)

  • 4 - 6 Coaching Sessions at a convenient location.
  • Access to Proven Tools and Resources
  • Accountability Support tailored to suit your Personal/Work Schedule
  • Progress Review (1-3 Months Post Session)

Your life-changing journey starts here

Start by signing up to any of the sessions of your choice